Welcome to Paddle Up Pickleball Club
We are open to the public but membership has its privileges. Members are able to book courts from 7-14 days in advance, enjoy discounted pricing on classes, organized play, leagues and more! Annual members enjoy FREE Drop-In Play everyday from 7-9am and 2-4pm
*Prices do not include sales tax or applicable processing fees. Big Dill free hours do not roll over each month. **Drop In Sessions are subject to change, but scheduled every day 7-9am and 2-4pm except during tournaments and special events. Senior Drop In for ages 60+ weekdays 12-2pm. ***2 Hour Organized Play Events include Open Play, Round Robins, King of the Court, and more. Special evnts not listed here may have premium pricing, including Training programs, DUPR ratings sessions, Social Tournaments and more.